Jan 19, 2007 Print This Article

Shepherds of God’s Flock Retreat Brings Prospective Students to Seminary Campus

A total of 44 prospective students and their guests participated in the ninth annual Shepherds of God’s Flock retreat held Jan. 11-13 on the Concordia Seminary campus. The event was designed for prospective students who are college age or older and are contemplating service as a pastor, missionary or chaplain in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

The retreat emphasized the spiritual and personal aspects of the decision-making process. While on campus, participants were led by Seminary faculty members through a study of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions concerning the Office of Holy Ministry. Pastors, missionaries and chaplains spoke about the joys and challenges of their service.

“The opportunity to learn firsthand from pastors, chaplains, missionaries and Seminary faculty about the Office of the Holy Ministry was a tremendous blessing to our guests,” commented Rev. Joel Fritsche, admissions counselor at Concordia Seminary.

Participants also worshiped with the Seminary community in daily chapel services, talked with current students and their spouses, and attended Seminary classes. An optional “nuts and bolts” session on the last day of the event covered topics such as financial aid, housing and the admission process. The session was attended by over half of the participants.

One participant commented, “I really enjoyed the fellowship with other Christians. Every person I encountered on the campus was friendly and helpful. Thank you so much for a wonderful experience.”

The next structured visitation opportunity at Concordia Seminary is the Spring Visitation to be held March 8-10. Designed for those who are college age or older, the weekend provides an effective means of learning more about life in the Concordia Seminary community and the preparation that leads to service as a pastor, missionary, chaplain or deaconess in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The registration deadline is March 1, 2007.

Prospective students and their guests also are encouraged to visit Concordia Seminary individually, at times most convenient for them. On-campus meals and lodging are provided free of charge to guests, regardless of the time of the visit.

To register for the Spring Visitation or for more information, contact the Admissions Office, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; 1-800-822-9545; admissions@csl.edu.