Sep 14, 2006 Print This Article

iTunes U Theology Resource Proves Popular

Concordia Seminary’s new online theological resource, “Concordia Seminary on iTunes U,” has proven popular. Nearly 4,500 files have been downloaded from iTunes U since its debut in August, 1,451 of which were downloaded the first week of September. Over 3,000 visitors have accessed the site.

“Homosexuality and Ordination—An Interview with Dr. Joel Biermann,” “The Formula of Concord on the False Ways of Practicing the Christian Faith,” and Exodus and the Torah course material were among the most popular downloads.

“I couldn’t be more pleased to see the popularity of our offerings on iTunes U,” commented Rev. Anthony Cook, director of educational technology at Concordia Seminary. “It is my hope that we can continue to provide relevant and timely resources to both the Seminary community and the church at-large.”

“Concordia Seminary on iTunes U” is accessed from the Seminary’s Web site at, through the iTunes U link in the lower, right-hand corner, or directly at Both Macintosh and Microsoft Windows-based computers are able to utilize this technology.

Visitors to “Concordia Seminary on iTunes U” are encouraged to submit feedback and programming ideas via e-mail to For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7371;