May 17, 2006 Print This Article

Video and Audio of Da Vinci Code Forum Posted on Seminary Web Site

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis announces that links to archived video and audio files of last night’s forum titled “Discernment for Da Vinci: A Primer for Viewing The Da Vinci CodeMovie,” are now available on the Seminary’s Web site at The forum featured three members of the Concordia Seminary faculty, Profs. Jeffrey Kloha, Paul Robinson and James Voelz. They offered biblical and historical insights related to many of the presuppositions of Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code, which has been adapted for a film by the same title which will open in theaters this Friday.

The forum drew a large audience from the Seminary community and the St. Louis area. “Werner Auditorium was filled to capacity and we quickly arranged an overflow room to handle the large crowd,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, Concordia Seminary’s vice president for seminary relations. “It is obvious that this movie is generating a lot of interest, fed primarily by the news media. We are blessed to have faculty members with this level of biblical and historical expertise who provided an abundance of helpful information for those who will see the movie in the coming days.”

For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7370;