Apr 13, 2006 Print This Article

Challenge Grant Offered to Concordia Seminary

An anonymous family has offered a generous challenge grant to Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, to encourage gifts designated for student financial aid. The anonymous donor has pledged to give one dollar for every dollar the Seminary raises for student aid between now and June 30, 2006, up to a total of $200,000.

The grant is conditional, and the following criteria and procedures are applicable:

  • A donor’s gift must be between $100 and $11,400 to be matched by the challenge grant;
  • A donor’s gift must be restricted by a note or letter indicating the gift is for “student aidorstudent financial aid.” There also is a coupon the donor can use or request that will make the gift eligible.
  • Other matching funds (Thrivent GivingPlus, and/or employer matching programs) will not be matched by the challenge grant, but will nonetheless increase the impact of a donor’s gift if used in combination with the challenge grant.
  • The challenge grant is not contingent on raising an additional $200,000. It is a straight dollar-for-dollar doubling of each gift for student aid. If donors respond with $150,000, the anonymous family will give $150,000 as matching funds.

“We are humbled by the generosity of this anonymous family and their desire to encourage other individuals to join in the effort to underwrite this year’s student financial aid commitments,” commented Mark Hofman, vice president for development at Concordia Seminary. “Our prayer is that the response to this opportunity will be great, affirming the anonymous family’s stewardship and greatly encouraging our students as they journey toward graduation and placement.”

For more information, contact the Development Office at (800) 822-5287 or development@csl.edu.