Dec 16, 2005 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Receives Thrivent Grant for Student Aid

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, has received a $90,000 grant from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans through its Lutheran Seminary Grant Program to be utilized in expanding tuition support for residential students who are preparing to serve as pastors in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

The grant check was presented to Dr. Dale A. Meyer, president of Concordia Seminary, and John Huss, the Seminary’s student body president, on Dec.15 by Mark Sears, co-managing partner for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans’ St. Louis Gateway Regional Financial Office, and Barb Hawkins, the regional office’s manager of Lutheran community services.

The grant will provide matching funds for individuals or families who offer a gift of at least $500 as a new Adopt-A-Student sponsor by January 31, 2006, or until the grant funding has been exhausted.

“To be eligible for matching funds, individuals must not have participated in the Adopt-A-Student program in the past. They have to be new sponsors,” added Mark Hofman, vice president for development at Concordia Seminary. “Thrivent’s generous grant encourages the Seminary to expand the number of individuals and families who sponsor tuition grants for future pastors, missionaries and chaplains. This grant also affirms the support of those currently serving as Adopt-A-Student sponsors because it encourages others to join them in this vitally important effort. Concordia Seminary gives thanks to God for the fraternal partnership of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans in supporting the formation of so many future pastors through this special grant.”

Additional information can be obtained by contacting Development, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, Mo. 63105; (800) 822-5287 (toll-free);