Nov 03, 2005 Print This Article

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod President Kieschnick Speaks at Concordia Seminary Convocation

Rev. Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, presented “Biblical Principles on Unity and Trust” at a convocation on Nov. 2 in Werner Auditorium on the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis campus. An audio file of the address is available in RealAudio format for online listening or download on the Seminary’s Web site (

“It was an honor to have President Kieschnick on our campus and we are grateful for his presentation to our Seminary community on a very important topic,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, vice president for seminary relations at Concordia Seminary. “Both the content of his presentation and the candor he displayed in responding to questions were very much appreciated.”

Kieshnick spoke about the importance of walking together as a Synod according to God’s Word. “The unity of the church is founded in our relationship with God,” commented Kieschnick. “It is also a gift from God through His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.”

He stated that the basis for unity and trust within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod must be rooted in the Scriptures. “Trust begins with trusting in God, and unity begins with unity in Christ,” commented Kieschnick.

Convocations with special guest speakers are held regularly for students and faculty at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7370;