Feb 25, 2005 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary President To Be Called May 11

The election to determine who will receive the call to serve as the 10th president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis will take place Wednesday, May 11, 2005. The Electors, those who will actually vote to issue the call to a particular nominee, are:

  • The Seminary’s Board of Regents (voting as a group with one vote)
  • The District President elected to the Seminary’s Board of Regents (Rev. Dr. Arleigh L. Lutz, North Wisconsin);
  • The President of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (Rev. Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick)
  • The Chairman of the Synod’s Board for Pastoral Education (John M. Behrendt)

The announcement of the candidate chosen by the electors will be Webcast from the Seminary’s Web site (www.csl.edu), as will a short news conference with the candidate immediately following the announcement. The Seminary’s Web site will feature more details for the Webcast after May 1.

The 60-day nomination process concludes on March 1. All nominees will be contacted and they must respond by April 1, indicating whether they wish to remain as one of the nominees being considered during the remainder of the call process. As a part of the initial contact, nominees are also asked to pledge that, if called, they will render a decision within 15 days of receiving the call.

Once the slate of those who have been contacted and have agreed to leave their name in nomination has been established, it must be published in a major publication of the LCMS (i.e., Lutheran Witness or Reporter), and 30 days must pass to allow reactions to be received by the Seminary’s Board of Regents. This list is scheduled to appear in the April issue of Reporter.

The Seminary’s Board of Regents will share with the Search Committee all information that has been received concerning all nominees. The Search Committee will prepare for the Electors a final report with recommendations as to the few (at least five) nominees it believes should be considered for final consideration and election.

The slate of candidates to be interviewed during the election meetings is finalized two weeks before the interviews by a vote of the majority of the Electors, with the Seminary’s Board of Regents voting as individuals this time. A series of interviews with the final nominees takes place and the election follows to determine who shall be called as Concordia Seminary’s 10th president.

For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7370; semrelations@csl.edu.