Oct 12, 2004 Print This Article

Prospective Students Attend Fall Visitation Weekend 2004

A total of 50 prospective students and 36 additional guests attended the Fall Visitation Weekend at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The Oct. 7-9 visitation event is designed for those of college age and older. It provides an effective means of learning more about life in the Concordia Seminary community and the preparation which leads to service as a pastor, missionary or chaplain in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

“The guests included young college students and prospective second-career students and their wives,” commented Rev. Michael Redeker, director of ministerial recruitment at Concordia Seminary. “The high enrollment this fall and the attendance at this first visitation weekend of the year are evidence that God is continuing to answer the prayers of His people to raise up workers.”

Visitors worshiped with the Seminary community in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, visited classes and toured the campus. Participants also heard presentations on various aspects of Seminary preparations such as academic offerings, financial assistance, housing, resident field education, vicarage and the admission process. A special women’s information session was held on Oct. 9. This session has proven to be very popular and beneficial for wives, fiancées and girlfriends who attended past Fall Visitation Weekends.

One participant commented, “It was very helpful and informative. I was glad that everything was Christ-centered and not merely ‘business.’” Another participant remarked, “I don’t know how anyone could make this monumental decision without going on this great weekend.”

Additional structured visitation opportunities at Concordia Seminary include the Shepherds of God’s Flock Retreat (January 4-6, 2005) and the Institute on the Ministry (March 10-12, 2005). Prospective students and guests also may visit at any time which is convenient for them, and the Admissions Office at Concordia Seminary will arrange a private visitation schedule which meets their needs. Meals and lodging are provided free of charge on the Seminary campus for prospective students and their guests during the structured visitation opportunities or individual visit. For more information, contact the Admissions Office at Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105; 1-800-822-9545; admissions@csl.edu. Information and a registration form also are available from the Seminary’s Web site at www.csl.edu/Admvis.htm.