Aug 10, 2004 Print This Article

Seminary Catalog Available for Download

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis is pleased to announce that its Academic Catalog for 2004-05 may be accessed on the Seminary's Web site and downloaded for viewing and printing in .pdf format. The Seminary's full Academic Catalog may be accessed at

In addition to the catalog, Concordia Seminary also offers most of its publications for downloading, off-line viewing and printing in .pdf format. Publications available at include:

FOCUS - designed to provide an overview of life in the Concordia Seminary community. It contains articles and pictures featuring students, faculty, staff and other aspects of Seminary life. It is a quarterly publication, and free subscriptions are available by contacting

TOWER - a publication for Concordia Seminary alumni. Although its content may primarily be of interest to alumni, it is available to all interested readers. It is a quarterly publication, and free subscriptions are available by contacting

IMS SENT - a publication of Concordia Seminary's Institute for Mission Studies, features many mission-related activities that take place at Concordia Seminary or involve members of the Concordia Seminary community active in mission work at off-campus sites. Free subscriptions are available by contacting

THE SERVANT - a publication of Concordia Seminary's Admissions Office, featuring news of particular interest to prospective students who are contemplating preparation to serve as pastors, missionaries or chaplains in The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Free subscriptions are available by contacting

BIOETHICS & FAITH - a publication from the office of the Lutheran Charities Chair of Pastoral Ministry and the Life Sciences (an endowed faculty chair established by the Lutheran Charities Foundation of St. Louis). This quarterly newsletter provides Christian insights regarding genetics, life sciences and family issues. Dr. Robert Weise is the occupant of the endowed chair and is the individual primarily responsible for this publication. Subscription information is available by contacting

GRADUATE STUDIES BULLETIN - a publication of the Graduate School of Concordia Seminary. It is designed to provide updated information concerning graduate-level studies at Concordia Seminary. Paper copies are available by contacting

D.MIN. NEWSLETTER - provides updated information regarding the Doctor of Ministry degree program. Paper copies are available by contacting

A free Adobe Acrobat reader from Adobe is provided with many new computers as a part of the included software. It is also available through a link which is posted on the web pages listed above to assist those who may need to download the free reader. "We are delighted to make our publications available to a worldwide audience of potential readers," commented Rev. Glen Thomas, vice president for seminary relations at Concordia Seminary. "We receive many e-mail messages from those who have found these resources to be helpful."

For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105; 314.505.7371 or