Feb 27, 2003 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Alumni Reunions Set for June 3-6

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, alumni, spouses and widows are cordially invited to attend the annual alumni reunions, which will be held June 3-6 on the Seminary campus. The event is open to graduating classes from years ending in a three or an eight, beginning with 1998.

The theme for this year is "Ministry Today and Tomorrow." The presenters will be Rev. Larry Stotterau, president of the Pacific Southwest District; Dr. Daniel Mattson, director of theological studies for the LCMS Board for Mission Services; and Rev. William Marler, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Springfield, Mo. Dr. John F. Johnson, president of Concordia Seminary, will deliver an address regarding current events and future plans at the Seminary.

Registration will begin on the afternoon of June 3. Participants and faculty members will enjoy food, fellowship and fun at a picnic in Luther Statue Park. The evening will close with a carillon concert and a reception at Concordia Historical Institute.

A special feature of this year's Alumni Reunions is a tour of the Seminary's new South Campus, Christian Brothers College High School (CBC), on June 4. Participants also will enjoy opportunities to reacquaint themselves with the Seminary campus. Tours will be conducted in the library, bookstore and distance-learning center, followed by an open house at President and Mrs. Johnson's residence.

On June 3, a special ladies' brunch will be held for the women with Ruth Ann Johnson, wife of Dr. John F. Johnson. On June 5, the women will attend another brunch hosted by the Seminary Guild and will hear about the exciting work being done by this important organization.

The Jubilarians will be invited to a special service on June 5. Class pictures will be taken after the worship service in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. Following the service, a reception for all guests will be held in the quad.

For more information about the reunions or to reserve a room for a class gathering, contact Alumni Relations at 314-505-7370 or 314-505-7372, or via e-mail at alumni@csl.edu.