Dec 18, 2002 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Recognizes Ordination Anniversaries

On Dec. 18, 12 faculty and staff members at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, were recognized for having reached significant anniversaries of their ordination dates. During the Seminary's morning chapel service, each was recognized, and prayers of thanksgiving for their service were offered. A special reception also was held following the chapel service to allow individuals in the Seminary community the opportunity for personal expressions of gratitude.

The following Concordia Seminary faculty and staff members were recognized:

Rev. Henry Gerike - 10 years
Prof. Joel Biermann - 15 years
Prof. William Utech - 15 years
Prof. Glenn Nielsen - 20 years
Prof. Timothy Saleska - 20 years
Rev. Glen Thomas - 20 years
Dr. Robert Weise - 20 years
Dr. Robert Kolb - 30 years
Dr. Bruce Hartung - 35 years

Dr. Won Yong Ji - 45 years
Dr. Louis Brighton - 50 years
Dr. Karl Barth - 55 years

"In a community that holds high the pastoral office and the work of Christ done through His under-shepherds, we give thanks to God for these faithful servants and for the blessings God has provided through them," commented Dr. Andrew Bartelt, vice president for academic affairs at Concordia Seminary. "Collectively these men represent more than 300 years of service since ordination, and we rejoice with them in thanksgiving to God!"

For more information, contact communications, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63105; 314.505.7375;