Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Offers M.A. Degree Through Evening Courses
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce that the M.A. degree will now be accessible to men and women who are not able to attend classes during the day. Beginning with the fall quarter 1999, at least two courses appropriate to the degree will be offered each term (including the summer) in the evening. This arrangement will allow a student to complete all course requirements within two calendar years. As currently planned, the courses offered will result in a major in systematic theology and a minor in either practical theology or exegetical theology.
It should be noted that the M.A. program does have prerequisite requirements in the area of Bible content (Old Testament and New Testament) and basic Christian doctrine. Courses in each of these prerequisites will be offered during the evening for those who need them. However, the courses that deal with prerequisites for the program cannot be applied to the M.A. degree itself. The prerequisites must be completed before courses applicable to the M.A. program are taken.
For more information on the M.A. degree program, call the Graduate School at (314) 505-7103 or (314) 505-7009.