Concordia Seminary Newsroom
New Publication Offers Christian Response to Bioethical Issues
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, announces the publication of a newsletter titled “Bioethics & Faith”. The newsletter offers a Christian response to bioethical developments related to health care and family issues. It will be published quarterly and subscriptions are available.
Bioethics and Faith is the work of Dr. Robert Weise, Professor of Pastoral Ministry and the Life Sciences at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. “Since I accepted the call in the fall of 1992 to occupy the Chair of Pastoral Ministry and the Life Sciences, I have had many opportunities to speak on beginning and end-of-life issues,” commented Dr. Weise. “Frequently, pastors, teachers, directors of Christian education, deaconesses, lay ministers and others have asked that Concordia Seminary begin to address the role of Scripture and the Confessions in bioethical dilemmas.”
Articles in the first issue of “Bioethics & Faith” include “To Be or Not to Be…A Clone,” “Eggs for Sale,” “Drugged Abortions,” and “The Death of Caring: Assisted Suicide.” The first issue also lists bioethical resources available in print and on the Internet which readers may wish to consult.
The endowed faculty chair at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, occupied by Dr. Weise, the Chair of Pastoral Ministry and the Life Sciences, was established by the Lutheran Charities Foundation of St. Louis in order to examine and provide leadership in addressing the relationship between the Scriptures, theology and the life sciences. Dr. Weise is a 1982 graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He also received a Ph.D. degree in Zoology from the University of Illinois in 1973. From 1973 to 1978, Dr. Weise was a professor of clinical pathology, teaching and conducting research at Wayne State University in Detroit, Mich. Prior to accepting the call to occupy the Chair of Pastoral Ministry and the Life Sciences at Concordia Seminary, Dr. Weise served as pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, Bunker Hill, Ill. (1982-85) and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Springfield, Ill. (1985-92).
“Dr. Weise is one of the few individuals in our church who combines a rich background in science with an equally significant background in the study of theology and service as a parish pastor” commented Dr. John F. Johnson, President of Concordia Seminary. I am confident that “Bioethics & Faith” will provide guidance and direction as our church responds to the rapid developments in science and technology which present so many ethical questions for clergy and laity alike. I am pleased that this new publication will serve our church by addressing these issues and in so doing will provide leadership in this area.”
Subscriptions to “Bioethics & Faith” are available for $12/year (make checks payable to “Concordia Seminary”) and may be obtained by contacting Dr. Robert Weise, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105.