Aug 23, 2018 Print This Article

Peter, Saleska advance in rank

At its May 2018 meeting, the Concordia Seminary Board of Regents voted to advance the rank of Dr. David J. Peter and Dr. Timothy E. Saleska from associate professor to professor.

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Peter is professor of Practical Theology, chairman of the Department of Practical Theology and placement counselor. He also serves as faculty adviser to Alumni Relations. Peter has been a faculty member since 1998. He was named chairman of the Department of Practical Theology in 2010. He formerly served as the director of the Doctor of Ministry Program (1998-2013).

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Saleska is professor of Exegetical Theology and dean of Ministerial Formation. He has been a faculty member since 1997. He was named dean of Ministerial Formation in 2011. He previously served as acting placement counselor (2004-07), editor of Concordia Theology Online (2006-08) and director of the Master of Divinity and residential certificate programs (2008-11).