Mar 22, 2019 Print This Article

Haupt shares encouragement

Assistant Professor of Practical Theology and Director of Library Services Rev. Ben Haupt spoke to a unique audience the morning of Feb. 15. Bundled in coats and wrapped in scarves, a crowd of first through fifth graders, along with their parents, gathered around Haupt to hear him speak on the Captain Elementary playground.

Haupt was invited by the Captain Character Committee to speak as part of their Fist-Bump Friday event in which community leaders speak to students about Captain's "brain-growing stances," which include: optimism, empathy, flexibility, persistence and resilience. Pointing to Luther Tower in the distance, Haupt said, "Concordia Seminary students and their families often move three times before they get to the churches where they will serve. That takes persistence and resilience, just like you're learning here!"

Haupt went on to express pride in the students for their hard work and dedication before concluding his short talk just as the morning bell rang. As students poured into the halls of Captain Elementary, Haupt and his wife, Celina (who serves as a teacher at Captain), gave high-fives and fist-bumps to the students. The Haupts were joined by Concordia Seminary's Dr. Peter Nafzger and his wife, Katie, along with seminarian Paul Dickerson. "This was a fun way to love our neighbors," Haupt said.