May 23, 2019 Print This Article

Haupt appointed as Seminary’s first associate provost

Rev. Benjamin D. Haupt, a member of the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis faculty, has been appointed the institution's first associate provost and will step into this new role effective July 1.

As associate provost, Haupt will assist the Seminary provost in achieving key strategic priorities in support of the mission of the Seminary. The immediate first priority centers on recruitment and enrollment. Haupt will lead the Seminary's efforts in recruiting qualified ministry candidates — who reflect the rich diversity of the country — to meet the demands of the church.

"By establishing this position with its focus upon recruitment, and by naming Professor Haupt as associate provost, Concordia Seminary is taking a giant step forward," said Dr. Dale A. Meyer, president of the Seminary. "Yes, we need to increase the number of pastors for the future, but we also need our seminarians to reflect the diversity of America and the wonderful vision of heaven, ‘a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages' (Rev. 7:9 ESV). Professor Haupt will foster a culture of pastoral recruitment that promises to reach more and more cultures who need the Good News of Jesus Christ. We're thrilled by this great step forward in our Lord's mission through Concordia Seminary."
Haupt will oversee and guide the Seminary's recruitment and admissions team, and serve as a liaison to faculty and staff involved in accomplishing the Seminary's enrollment goals related to its residential, distance and multiethnic ministerial formation programs and Advanced Studies programs.

"Jesus commanded us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into the field because the harvest is great and the laborers are few," Haupt said. "This has been true for 2,000 years and remains true today. The world continues to need the Gospel, and we at Concordia Seminary are committed to expanding our efforts to raise up workers for the harvest fields.

"I am excited about this role because I believe in the Seminary's mission," Haupt added. "Dr. Meyer often says that it's a great time to be a pastor in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and a student at the Seminary — and I believe that 100 percent!"

Haupt's immediate efforts to create a culture of recruitment will include collaboration with colleagues at the Seminary and across the LCMS to build bridges and engage those with the ability to assist in the referral and enrollment of prospective students.

"For the sake of the Gospel, encouraging men and women to consider ministerial vocations is more crucial than ever," said Seminary Provost Dr. Douglas L. Rutt. "Professor Haupt is a keen student of both God's Word and the contemporary world. His insights and leadership will help us to address the needs of today's church for more workers who are willing to answer God's calling — a calling to lead a life of significance."

In looking forward to assisting Rutt in accomplishing these vital priorities, Haupt said, "I love how much Dr. Rutt loves the mission of the church. He thinks with a missionary's mind and a missionary's heart. This is an exciting opportunity to work with him and to learn from his experience in serving the church in his many former capacities."

Haupt has completed his Ph.D. dissertation on the New Testament and early church, which has been accepted by the University of Birmingham, U.K., and he will be hooded July 16. He earned a Master of Sacred Theology in 2011 and a Master of Divinity in 2005, both at Concordia Seminary. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, Wis., in 2000.

Haupt joined the faculty of Concordia Seminary in 2013 as assistant professor of Practical Theology and director of Library Services. Previously, he served as pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Gainesville, Ga., from 2008-13 and as associate pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Boca Raton, Fla., from 2005-08.

Haupt is married to Celina, who serves as women's coordinator for the Seminary's Families in Transition program, and they have two sons, Noah and Aidan. They are members of Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in St. Louis, Mo.

About Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit