Student Loans
Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Post-baccalaureate students are eligible for unsubsidized loans only. The federal direct unsubsidized loan program is not need based and provides loans based on the student’s total cost of attendance and anticipated financial assistance. Applicants for this loan program must be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen and be accepted into a residential program.
The interest rate on a Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan is currently 8.08 percent with an origination fee of 1.057 percent (for loans first disbursed between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025).
Interest on these loans begins to accrue immediately after disbursement and will continue through an in-school deferment and any grace period. You may make payments on these loans at any time or you may allow the interest to accrue on the loan. If you do not make payments while in school, the interest will capitalize at the end of your grace period. Repayment will begin six months after your last date of attendance.
Applying for a Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Before receiving a Direct Unsubsidized Loan you must complete the following:
- Be accepted into a residential program. Distance and Reduced-Residency students are not eligible for federal student loans.
- Complete your Concordia Seminary Financial Aid Application.
- Complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
- Be enrolled at least half time.
- M.Div./RAR, M.A. = 4.5 credits per term
- S.T.M. = 2 credits per term
- Ph.D. = 2 credits per term
- Complete a Loan Request Form
- Complete the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment
- Complete your Entrance Counseling online
- Complete a Master Promissory Note
Loan Request Forms must be completed each time that you borrow, and the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment needs to be completed the first time you take out a student loan for the academic year. Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Notes only need to be completed before your initial loan with the Seminary. This process will make you aware of your rights and responsibilities as a borrower. If you have completed a Master Promissory Note within the last 10 years, please contact the Financial Aid Office to determine if you will need to complete an updated note.
How Much Is Available?
Concordia Seminary recommends borrowing only the funds needed to meet expenses while attending. The federal aggregate amount that a student is allowed to borrow per year is $20,500 or an overall total of $138,500.
Before taking on student loan debt, think carefully of the effect of debt on your future ministry. Representatives in the Financial Aid Office are happy to counsel you regarding your student loans and finances.
Student loans are disbursed in full within the term they are requested.
Loan disbursements may be cancelled at any time. If you wish to cancel or reduce a future disbursement, a request must be made in writing to the Financial Aid Office. The request must include the date, your name, the type of loan and the amount that you would like cancelled or reduced and your signature.
Concordia Seminary students continue to be blessed with monetary gifts and donations from various outside organizations, individuals and congregations across the country. In some cases, the amount of outside financial assistance may limit your eligibility for student loans.
Direct Grad PLUS Loan
If you have exhausted your Direct Unsubsidized Loan eligibility, you may be eligible for a Direct Grad PLUS Loan.
Initial eligibility is determined through a credit check performed by the U.S. Department of Education. If approved, you will need to complete a loan request form, provided by the Financial Aid Office, as well as a separate Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note for the loan. These forms can be found at studentaid.gov. We will then determine the amount that you are eligible for based on your cost of attendance and other aid received or anticipated.
The interest rate for a Direct Grad PLUS Loan is 9.08 percent with a 4.228 percent origination fee (for loans first disbursed between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025). Interest will begin to accrue immediately on this loan, and will continue through any in-school deferments or grace periods. Repayment will begin 60 days after your loan is disbursed.
Other Financial Aid Opportunities
We encourage students to apply to independent foundations that support ministerial and theological education through the distribution of grants and scholarships.
Concordia University System Scholarship
The Concordia University System Scholarship provides financial aid opportunities for incoming students who graduate from the universities of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (CUS) and who have applied to a program in Ministerial Formation at Concordia Seminary.
Regent Awards
Concordia Seminary’s Regent Awards are designed to help future pastors overcome financial barriers and fulfill their call to ministry.
LCMS District Support
LCMS districts may provide financial support for Seminary students who are members of LCMS congregations. Learn more from your home congregation’s LCMS district.
Veterans and Active-Duty Military
Concordia Seminary participates in programs offered through the Veterans Administration (VA) as well as through the Department of Defense (DoD) to ensure that our veterans, active-duty military and members of the reserves receive benefits that they are entitled to through their service.