Veterans and Active-Duty Military
Concordia Seminary recognizes the sacrifices that our veterans, military members and their families have made for our country, and we are eager to assist in your future educational goals. We welcome veterans and active-duty military members to apply. Our military funding specialist is available in the Financial Aid office to discuss the intricacies of the benefits available to each student through the different tuition assistance and veteran’s programs.
Concordia Seminary participates in programs offered through the Veterans Administration (VA) as well as through the Department of Defense (DoD) to ensure that our veterans, active-duty military and members of the reserves receive benefits that they are entitled to through their service. Students who anticipate utilizing funding from the VA or DoD must receive approval from their ESO, military counselor or Service prior to enrolling in classes.
Veteran’s benefits
Concordia Seminary is committed to assist our student veterans in applying for any benefit that they may be entitled to through their service. Students should contact our military funding specialist at finaid@csl.edu for any questions regarding using VA benefits at the Seminary. Please visit benefits.va.gov to learn more about the programs that the VA offers and to apply for benefits.
Active-duty benefits
We welcome active-duty military members as well as members of the selected reserve to apply for tuition assistance through the Department of Defense. More benefits information is available through the DoD. Additional information on each military branch can be found at DoD Career Ready or by contacting our military funding specialist at finaid@csl.edu.
Other Financial Aid Opportunities
We encourage students to apply to independent foundations that support ministerial and theological education through the distribution of grants and scholarships.
Concordia University System Scholarship
The Concordia University System Scholarship provides financial aid opportunities for incoming students who graduate from the universities of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (CUS) and who have applied to a program in Ministerial Formation at Concordia Seminary.
Regent Awards
Concordia Seminary’s Regent Awards are designed to help future pastors overcome financial barriers and fulfill their call to ministry.
LCMS District Support
LCMS districts may provide financial support for Seminary students who are members of LCMS congregations. Learn more from your home congregation’s LCMS district.
Student Loans
Post-baccalaureate students are eligible for unsubsidized loans only. The federal direct unsubsidized loan program is not need-based and provides loans based on the student’s total cost of attendance and anticipated financial assistance.