May 10, 2011 Print This Article

Next Steps: A New Admissions Event for Families at Concordia Seminary

Next Steps is a new admissions event this year, geared toward prospective students and their families. This two-day event on July 8-9, 2011, will provide an opportunity to connect with the Concordia Seminary community. From visiting the campus to experiencing life with Seminary families, we hope you will find answers to your most nagging questions.

Download the Next Steps brochure!

During the Relocation Orientation on Friday afternoon, you will learn a lot of useful information about housing, moving companies, how to find employment, healthcare and childcare information, schools, and much more. Kids will have supervised recreation time during the informational sessions. The Panel Discussion will feature current Seminary families, answering your questions with honest answers as they have been in your position! On Friday night, you are invited to attend an informal BBQ in the Woods (the nickname for married student on-campus housing). BBQ’s in the Woods are held every Friday night in the fall and spring, and that’s just one example of the many activities geared toward Seminary families.

Saturday will include fun events for your whole family. A farewell picnic in Forest Park will conclude the formal events.

There is no registration fee. Housing and meals during the event will be provided by Concordia Seminary. Participants are responsible for their own transportation. Registration deadline is June 24. For more information, please contact the admissions department at 314-505-7227 or email