Nov 02, 2010 Print This Article

Taste of the Sem

"Together With All Creatures"

January 15-17, 2011

Taste of the Sem is an opportunity for high school men to spend a weekend at the Seminary to study theology, pray, worship, meet, and talk with Seminary students and professors. Participants will spend time with one Seminary student at his field education congregation on Sunday morning and attend classes with him on Monday morning. The event is designed to provide a sense of Seminary life for those who think God might be directing them toward the pastoral ministry.

  • Study the Scriptures and take a closer look at the Biblical account of creation.
  • Understand what all is included when we confess, “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.”
  • Gain an appreciation of life together with all God’s creatures.

Student Mentors

  • Be partnered with a current Seminary student
  • Learn about his time at the Seminary
  • Worship with him at his field education congregation
  • Keep in touch for the future


  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Foosball
  • Ping-pong

Download a registration form (PDF)

Event Schedule

Saturday, January 15

12:00 p.m.  Arrival and registration
05:00 p.m.  Dinner
06:00 p.m.  Introduction and icebreakers
07:00 p.m.  “With the Word” Part I
08:00 p.m.  Meet Seminary mentor
08:30 p.m.  Closing devotion
09:00 p.m.  Tournaments
11:00 p.m.  Bed

Sunday, January 16

07:00 a.m.  Breakfast
08:00 a.m.  Church and lunch with mentor
03:00 p.m.  Campus tour
04:45 p.m.  “With the Word” Part II
06:00 p.m.  Dinner with faculty
07:00 p.m.  “With the Word” Part III
08:15 p.m.  Closing Worship
09:00 p.m.  Tournaments
11:00 p.m.  Bed

Monday, January 17

07:00 a.m.  Breakfast
08:00 a.m.  Class with mentor
09:45 a.m.  Chapel
10:25 a.m.  Class with mentor
11:30 a.m.  Lunch with mentor
12:30 p.m.  Sign out and departure

For more information, please contact the Office of Admissions at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis at 1-800-822-9545 or