Academics > Programs
Our ministerial formation programs are designed for those interested in becoming a pastor or deaconess. Our Advanced Studies programs are designed for those seeking theological education apart from certification for ministry in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Become a Pastor
Pastoral formation programs prepare men for service as pastors in parish, missionary, institutional and other ministerial contexts within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Become a Deaconess
Concordia Seminary offers five paths of study leading to certification as a Minister of Religion-Commissioned, Deaconess in the LCMS.
Advanced Studies
Our programs of advanced study prepare individuals for theological leadership in the church and world.
Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
Residential Alternate Route (RAR)
Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP)
Specific Ministry Pastor to General Pastor Certification (GPC)
Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS)
Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT)