Seminary Guild
The Concordia Seminary Guild — better known as the Sem Guild — is an organization of individuals, women’s organizations and congregations dedicated to providing support to the Concordia Seminary community, its students and their families, and staff.
The Sem Guild works to cultivate interest in the Seminary and enhance the lives of students on campus. From contributing to the tangible blessings of the Food Bank and Re-Sell It Shop, to supporting our many events, the Guild serves the Seminary in all it does.
Guild members from across the country have contributed to the vibrant support the Sem Guild generously provides.
Students enrolled in the Seminary are embarking on one of the most critical journeys of their lives. They simultaneously balance the rigors of academics with their spiritual care, career planning, self-discovery and family obligations.
To support our students and their families, the Sem Guild funds needs that occur in almost every aspect of life, including new computers, eye glasses, tutoring and marriage seminars. These activities enable students to get the necessary training and support they need on their journey to becoming an LCMS pastor or other church worker, or as they earn an advanced degree.
“All of the little things I do in a day — wash clothes, wipe counters, help children learn to brush their teeth — [the Seminary Guild] has a part in all of it. Your gifts to the Food Bank and the Re-Sell It Shop mean more to us than I could ever articulate.”
–Kelsey Fink, Seminary Wife
2024-25 Adopted Concordia Seminary Guild Projects
Journaling Bibles* – $5,000
Gifts to this project will help to purchase Journaling Bibles for incoming ministerial formation students to be used in class.
Adopt-A-Student – $4,000
Gifts for Adopt-A-Student will provide financial aid to students with demonstrated financial need. The goal is to contribute $1,000.00 to at least 4 students – every dollar given will go directly to the “adopted” students.
Music arts – $2,000
Gifts to this project will help to support the Seminary’s variety of musical and cultural activities – including the fall and spring tours of Laudamus and the Concordia Seminary Concert Series – which serve not only the Seminary community, but the greater St. Louis community and the global church.
Chapel listening technology – $3,000
As we embark upon a major upgrade to the audiovisual (AV) system at the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, we are asking the Seminary Guild to consider supporting the installation of an amazing technology that will enhance the ability to hear the service for those worshippers who suffer from a hearing disability or for those who would like to hear the service translated from English into their preferred language – this may directly and immediately benefit some of our Center for Hispanic Studies and Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology students, for many of whom English is not their first language. This new technology, available through a “Listen Everywhere 2 Channel Wi-Fi Audio Server,” can be connected directly to a worshipper’s mobile device (ear buds or other device) so that a person with a hearing disability is able to better hear the service. In addition, worshippers for whom English may not be their first language can take advantage of technology’s two channels feature and hear the service as it is instantaneously translated by the translator into their preferred language. Your gift to support this new listening technology will go a long way toward enhancing worship for all in our beautiful chapel.
Commencement reception – $1,000
The Seminary Guild has a long-standing legacy of sponsoring the on-campus reception following the annual Commencement ceremony in the spring. Gifts to this project provide for the refreshments served to the students and guests at the ceremony.
Chapel of the Holy Apostles’ renovation – $3,000
As a special project of the Seminary’s new strategic plan, the Chapel of the Holy Apostles shall be dedicated specifically as a space for prayer for current pastors, deaconesses, and missionaries; for more harvest workers; and for the lost. However, the chapel is in need of significant refurbishments so that it can serve the Seminary community in this wonderful way. Your gifts to this project will help make the needed interior and structural renovations possible.
Holy Land Study Abroad Program – $3,000
Students who take the course “Exegesis and Teaching from a Biblical Context” have the opportunity to study in the Holy Land each year in the summer. From hiking in the Wilderness of Zin to swimming in the Dead Sea to walking where Jesus walked and taught His apostles – students deepen their understanding of Scripture and receive a formative experience like none other. The course is open to all students; however, there are expenses over and above tuition. Your gifts to this project will underwrite those expenses and help make it possible for more students to afford to take this class. You can help the Bible come to life for future students by supporting this formative experience.
Total: $21,000- Project donations will be used for any of the Guild projects unless they are specified for a particular project.
- Please make checks payable to Concordia Seminary Guild and send to:
Mary Jane Autry
2076 Henley Woods Dr.
Arnold, MO 63010-1878
Thank you for your support!
Attend Seminary Guild Events
All Seminary Guild events are held in Koburg Hall on the Seminary campus. The cost is $20 for each guest.
Please mail the registration form with your check(s) made payable to Concordia Seminary Guild to:
Mary Jane Autry
2076 Henley Woods Dr.
Arnold, MO 63010-1878Please make checks payable to Concordia Seminary Guild. Visitors and new members are always welcome!
2024-25 Luncheon Meetings
Friday, Feb. 7, 2025
Program: The Deaconess journey: Embracing service in ministry
Jessica Thompson, admissions officer for advanced and distance studies, and deaconess intern
Dr. Jennie Asher, Director of Deaconess Studies11:30 a.m. Registration Noon Luncheon Ingathering: Household and personal care items for the Food Bank. Bring items to Koburg Hall. Friday, March 7, 2025
Program: The Stained Glass Windows of Koburg Hall
Dr. Gerhard Bode, Chairman, Department of Historical Theology11:30 a.m. Registration Noon Luncheon and business meeting
Adoption of new projects for 2025-26
Election of vice president and treasurerFriday, May 9, 2025
Program: Campus Master Plan
Vicki Biggs, Senior Vice President, Seminary Advancement and Chief Communications Officer
Kathy Luther, Executive Director, Seminary SupportYour Seminary’s Mission, Vision and Strategic Priorities
Dr. Thomas J. Egger, Concordia Seminary President11:30 a.m. Registration Noon Luncheon
Installation of officers -
Join the Seminary Guild
If you would like more information about the Seminary Guild, please complete the form below.